Plain and simple, no one wants to be without their firearm for an extended period of time, so I offer something unique.
LBC offers a QUEUE system, meaning your place in line is scheduled on a calendar, instead of with your physical firearm/frame.
If you are ready to get work done, Text / Email / DM us requesting to be placed in queue.
- We will then decide on a scheduled completion date, along with a time frame of when to ship, to ensure a quick turnaround.
(It is recommended that you ship NO LATER THAN 3 days before your scheduled completion day, with 2 day shipping)
While you wait to ship, print and fill out our Custom Order Form to include with your shipment.
For more questions, visit our FAQ page HERE
If you'd like to know how long our current queue is, feel free to TEXT, EMAIL, or DM us at any time. (TEXT will get quickest replies.)
*Payment is processed over phone, at time of COMPLETION.*